

Welcome to my blog.

Everyone has a story. My hope is to inspire others to share the many lessons this life has so we can all get the most from our journeys.



I am not the person I was a year ago. Twelve months is a long time and yet in some ways it has flown by. I have never gone this long without seeing my daughter. For weeks I have been remembering where we were last year at this time; not knowing how close we were to that last good bye. 

The holidays were different this year without her. Life is different without her. The hole I had in my heart is not filled, yet the sharp edges of grief are softening as I remember her more with joy than with sadness. This is quite an accomplishment. 

As we enter a new year, I feel gratitude for family and friends who have supported me and our family this past year as we navigate this new world without Jessica in it. We have been through an entire year of "firsts". We are managing to move forward while keeping her in our hearts, thoughts, and the memories we share. 

Happy New Year to all. 


A New Year……..



Vision Quest

Vision Quest