Life with Julie Brown

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Inspiration comes in so many ways. I sometimes find it in nature, through a good book, a cup of tea or time spent with loved ones.

I recently found this poem that I was inspired to share.

Letter From Heaven

© Crystal Baptiste

Hey everybody,

I hope this doesn't reach you too late.

I don't want you to worry,

Because life up here is great.

I can't wait for you to see the beauty of heaven,

But I know it's not your time.

I really miss you guys,

But I know you'll be just fine.

You know I can see you, right?

So please stop shedding tears.

You guys, I'm perfectly fine,

So conquer all your fears.

I'll be watching your every move.

Relax! I won't spill your beans.

But stop all those naughty things you do,

Because you know there's nothing He can't see.

I need you to come here to meet me,

But not if you misbehave,

So please keep God in your heart,

And you'll be safe and saved.

Hey guys, I know you miss me.

It's really hard not to.

But please, please stop grieving,

Because you're making me sad too.

You guys have been a great family,

And I am truly blessed.

You've raised me through my earthly life;

Now God will do the rest.

He's really a great person,

And an even better friend,

So I'm in great hands,

And on Him you can also depend.

Oh boy, I'm getting carried away.

I want to say so many things,

But I really have to go now,

Because today I'm getting my wings.