

Welcome to my blog.

Everyone has a story. My hope is to inspire others to share the many lessons this life has so we can all get the most from our journeys.



On this Valentine's Day, I woke a bit confused as to how "to be" today. I have been writing a lot though I haven't yet posted much of that as I continue to process all that took place this past year. However, I did open an email that inspired me and I felt it necessary to share.

Recently, I was introduced to Mel Robbins, a motivational speaker. In today's email she, of course, talks about love and that it doesn't matter so much "who" you love, but rather, "how" you love. This made me take a moment to ask myself if I have truly shown those people in my life that I love them. I sure hope I have done that.

Knowing I will NOT have a call or get a text from my daughter today only briefly makes me sad. What I want to remember most is that she loved fiercely. (I hope she got that from me!) I can visualize the church where her service was held and how it overflowed with people who loved her. I also believe she knew she was loved by so many even in those moments when she was pulling away from us these past months. She was loving us all as she was doing her own work to let go. With all she was going through, she was protecting us when she didn't want to talk about things I/we felt were important to talk about.

Back in June, I made the decision to be "up" when I was with her. Yes, she did see me cry a few times and I talked about my feelings with her. The only thing I regret is that we didn't have more time together. I did my best to respect where she was with her illness and that I wanted to be part of her journey.

So getting back to the email from this morning, what stood out is Mel Robbins' suggestion to be deliberate with those we love. Her idea of doing something on purpose to make someone feel they matter to you. This could likely be something you choose to do more often than just on this special day. Let love be an action.



28 Days Ago

28 Days Ago